Visualize spatial CCC graph in various formats, w/ or w/o tissue image
graph_layout = "auto",
cells_of_interest = NULL,
edges_expanded_to_group = TRUE,
edge_color = "LRscore",
node_color = "LRscore.sum.src",
edge_color_range = NULL,
node_color_range = NULL,
edge_width = 0.5,
edge_alpha = 1,
node_size = 0.5,
node_alpha = 1,
clip = TRUE,
tissue_img = NULL,
image_alpha = NA,
which_on_top = "edge",
show_arrow = FALSE
- ccc_graph
spatial CCC graph for a LR pair
- graph_layout
string for graph layout algorithm. Default is "auto"; see Details for more information
- cells_of_interest
array of cell ids to highlight.
- edges_expanded_to_group
if TRUE and cells_of_interest is given, the nodes and the edges are expanded to include all the nodes and edges that belong to the groups that cells_of_interest belong to.
- edge_color, node_color
column name to be used for edge and node colors, respectively
- edge_color_range, node_color_range
bound given in c(min, max) format. if specified, the ranges are set using these values, instead of the ones derived from data. Useful when multiple plots are combined later for comparison.
- edge_width, node_size
specify edge width and node size. Currently, default values do not work well. Might need some manual adjustments.
- edge_alpha, node_alpha
specify transparency of edges and nodes
- clip
if TRUE (dafault), tissue_img will be cliped to show only active cell-cell communications
- tissue_img
Raster image, like imgRaster(spe)
- image_alpha
alpha value for tissue_img. If NA, keep the current value.
- which_on_top
either "edge" or "node"
- show_arrow
if TRUE, arrow is added to edge. Default is FALSE.
CCC graph with tissue image. In this format, the spots are placed on their original locations, keeping spatial relations.
CCC graph without tissue image. In this format, the spots are placed using either on their original locations ("spatial") or user-specified graph layout algorithm. Default is ("kk" =
) algorithm. Seecreate_layout()
for available algorithms.
if (FALSE) {
plot_spatial_ccc_graph(ccc_graph = ccc_graph_list[["App_Dcc"]],
tissue_img = imgRaster(spe),
node_color = "group_diameter",
node_size = 1,
edge_color = "group_diameter",
which_on_top = "edge")
plot_spatial_ccc_graph(ccc_graph = ccc_graph_list[["App_Dcc"]],
node_color = "group_diameter",
node_size = 1,
edge_color = "group_diameter",
which_on_top = "edge")
plot_spatial_ccc_graph(ccc_graph = ccc_graph_list[["App_Dcc"]],
graph_layout = "stress",
node_color = "group_diameter",
node_size = 1,
edge_color = "group_diameter",
which_on_top = "edge")