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Convert CCC table to CCC graph


to_spatial_ccc_graph(ccc_tbl, spatial_data)



an output of compute_spatial_ccc_tbl()


a table with spatial coordinates of spots/cells in spatial transcriptomic data. if spatial_data includes cell_id, spot_x, spot_y, they will be used as is; Otherwise, use the first three columns as if they are cell_id, spot_x, spot_y


spatial CCC graph -- a tidygraph

graph metrics

  1. For overall graph,

    • graph_n_nodes,

    • graph_n_edges

    • graph_component_count

    • graph_motif_count

    • graph_diameter

    • graph_un_diameter

    • graph_mean_dist

    • graph_circuit_rank = graph_n_edges - graph_n_nodes + graph_component_count

    • graph_reciprocity

    • graph_clique_num (sp_ccc_graph assumed as undirected)

    • graph_clique_count (sp_ccc_graph assumed as undirected)

  2. For each sub-graph (after group_components())

    • group_n_nodes

    • group_n_edges

    • group_adhesion

    • group_motif_count

    • group_diameter

    • group_un_diameter

    • group_mean_dist

    • group_girth

    • group_circuit_rank

    • group_reciprocity